Schedule : Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Maria & Eamonn, 2 Healthy Neo Babies After Recurrent Miscarriage

By : neofertility on : 17th July 2020

My husband and I were married in 2013 and I gave birth to our first child, Ciara in 2014. Thankfully, the pregnancy went very well. Our problems started soon afterwards. I got pregnant again after Ciara was born but the pregnancy was difficult from the beginning and our second daughter, Catríona was stillborn at 26 weeks in May 2015. To say we were devastated was an understatement. Our hearts were broken and we needed time to heal but we knew we wanted more children. Unfortunately the next four years were wrought with heartbreak again for us as I went on to miscarry four times. Each miscarriage was earlier than the previous one and it was a very difficult time for us. Sometimes the grief felt too much for us to bear but our faith sustained us in our darkest hours. 

My GP in Cork was an expert in natural family planning and wanted to help us to discover why this was happening to us so I began learning to chart my cycle. She encouraged us to go to see Dr. Boyle as she had seen him help so many couples in difficulty over the years. I was worried about investigating what was wrong but we are so thrilled and forever grateful that in September 2017 we went to see Dr. Boyle for the first time. Immediately upon hearing my medical history, Dr. Boyle knew why I was continuing to miscarry. He was able to help me by guiding me on how to change my diet, lifestyle, observe my cycle and prescribing various natural hormones for me to take. 

A few months later, I became pregnant again and our third daughter, Sinéad, was born in October 2018. We were overjoyed that after 4 years of heartbreak and suffering, we had a wonderful new addition to our family! In April 2020, our first son Cillian was born during the COVID-19 pandemic. During both pregnancies, Dr. Boyle monitored my hormone levels closely and adjusted my medications accordingly. We know that we wouldn’t have been able to have these children without the help of Dr. Boyle.  We couldn’t be happier to have had two Neo babies in our family and siblings for Ciara. We will be forever grateful to Dr. Boyle and all the staff at Neo for their wonderful care and support. 

+353 (0)12933816